Parasailing Boats For Sale Globally
Since Our company has made a commitment to provide parasailing boats to all the interested customers all around the world, we keep continuing the process of globally providing parasailing boats for sale.
According to that policy our company accepts requests form any country world wide with providing so much detailed information about prices and shipping fees.
We believe that sharing our success stories with our customers is one of our obligations to make them feel more comfortable and to build a trusting connection between us as a parasailing boats manufacturer and our customers.
Maldives is a beautiful country in the Indian Ocean which we had lately received an offer from there, it was a customer who was interested in buying our parasailing 24 to use it in his parasailing boats business.
We provided him with information about parasailing 24 (the length, the weight, the beam, etc…), discussed the best engine options for him to choose from, clarified the boat standard equipment and why we consider them as standard in each boat, helped him choosing the right boat optional equipment for his business and explained how this boat will be suitable for his business and finally we sent him a special offer with all the optional equipment that he asked for which fulfilled his needs with detailed information about the building time, boat & engine & equipment prices, shipping fees, custom fees to his country and the payments rules and method in order to ship the boat.
The deal has been made successfully, and few days ago the boat arrived there and we got those pictures and decided to share them with our customers.

Good luck to the Maldivian customer, and if you want to have the same parasailing 24 check all the details here
Can you please send me a quote for parasailing 24, winch included. Thank you.
View CommentPlease can you send me the price for parasailing 24 with winch included and delivery to the UK.
View CommentPlease send me the quotation with all the standard equipments and engine.
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